Official Notices
Below are topics that require notice to families and the community.
- Affordable, Nutritious & Delicious Meals for Students
- Asbestos Notification
- Athletic Events
- Attendance Law
- Childfind
- Complaint Procedure
- Emergency Communications & Closures
- Equal Employment Opportunity & Nondiscrimination
- Facilities Use
- Interpretation & Translation Services
- Harassment Free Environment
- Health Instruction
- Highly Capable
- Life-Threatening Conditions
- Parent Portal
- Pesticide Notice
- Please Sign In
- Publications & Websites
- Release of Information
- Student Conduct
- Student Dress
- Student Health & Safety
- Student Immunizations
- Student Records
- Teacher Qualification Notice
- Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Model Student Handbook Language
Affordable, Nutritious & Delicious Meals for Students
Nutrition Services prepares over 14,000 meals each day, providing affordable, nutritious, and delicious meal options for students. Our meals feature lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat dairy options, and a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Families may access breakfast and lunch menus, menu pictures, nutrient analysis, and allergy information Nutrislice website. Links to this information are also available on the Nutrition Services webpage.
All students may eat breakfast and lunch at no charge. Families will fill out a Family Income Survey instead of a meal application to qualify for other programs. The Nutrition Services Office is happy to assist with any questions. Please call 509-546-2836.
Asbestos Notification
In accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, the public is hereby notified that asbestos-containing building materials are present in some school buildings. Asbestos management plans and the actions the District is taking to maintain asbestos-containing materials in its buildings are available for review.
Intact and undisturbed asbestos materials generally do not pose a health risk. Asbestos materials, however, can become hazardous when, due to damage or deterioration over time, they release fibers. The District has taken steps to provide for the safety of building occupants related to such materials. The District’s asbestos management plan has been in place since 1988 and consists of surveillance, inspections, response actions, and custodial/maintenance employee asbestos awareness training. A periodic surveillance of each school building has occurred every six months since the original inspection and a complete re-inspection of each school building is completed every three years.
The asbestos management plan is available for review in the administrative office of each school which contains asbestos building materials or at the Construction Projects Office located at 1215 W. Lewis St. You may request additional information regarding the District’s asbestos program from Aubrey Pitzer at 509-543-2349.
Athletic Events
To ensure that fans and visitors can fully enjoy home athletic events—and to ensure everyone’s safety—anyone below high school age will only be allowed into school athletic facilities if accompanied by a responsible adult. Tickets for high school games at Edgar Brown Stadium, the Chiawana High School field, and the high school gymnasiums will only be sold to adults or those with high school identification. Adults must purchase tickets for any youngsters they bring to the games, and those children must sit with those adults during the game.
Attendance Law
Regular school attendance is necessary for a compulsory attendance law. The Becca Bill, passed in 1994, is an effort to reduce unexcused absences and hold parents accountable for their student’s school attendance. In Washington State, parents of children ages eight to 18 must provide a written excuse each time their child has a valid absence, is tardy, or leaves school early. Without a written excuse, the absence is considered unexcused, and parents/guardians will be notified. This type of absence is also defined as truancy. After a student’s second unexcused absence in a month, a conference is held between the principal, student, and parents/guardians to consider an attendance plan.
If a student has seven unexcused absences in any month or 15 unexcused absences within the school year, the school is required to file a petition with the Juvenile Court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010, the mandatory attendance law. The petition may be automatically stayed, and the student and family may be referred to a Community Truancy Board or may need to appear in Juvenile Court. If the student continues to be truant, the parent/guardian may be required to go to court. If a student is going to be absent, please contact the school office. For more information, contact Student Services at 509-543-6722.
Policy #2161: The district reaches students who may be eligible for special education services through the following:
- Notification to parents of Childfind activities in its annual informational packet;
- District informational mailings and district website;
- Posting notices regarding screening and referral in schools and public locations newspaper and other media;
Child Find Activities for Students with Suspected Disabilities: Students in need of specialized education may be brought to the attention of the school district by parents or childcare providers, educational staff, community agencies or other concerned individuals. Parents who wish to make their child (3 to 21) a “Focus of Concern” for special education may contact their neighborhood school directly or call the District Special Education Department at 509-543-6703 for assistance.
Complaint Procedure
Policy # 4312: Do you have a concern about your student’s school or program? Pasco School District employees will make every effort to work with you to resolve concerns or issues. The first step is to contact the people closest to the situation, such as the teacher and/or the school principal. If you are not satisfied, your next step is to discuss it with someone at the district level, then finally with the school board. District officials and Board members will not act on anonymous complaints. If you are unsure who to contact or have any questions, phone 509-546-2801.
Emergency Communications & Closures
If it is necessary to alter school or bus schedules or close schools for any reason, Pasco School District communicates school closures, delays, evacuations and other important information in a number of ways. Parents who have provided email addresses and phone numbers to their child’s school will receive alerts by text and email. Parents can also download the Pasco School District app for free on iTunes® or Google Play® (your app store) to get alerts through the app. Additionally the District posts information to our website, Facebook, and Twitter, and alerts all local media outlets.
School bus schedules or routes are changed only during the most severe weather or emergency conditions. Buses are equipped with chains and two-way radios and the drivers are trained to drive in adverse conditions.
Information on delays/closures will be released to the media by 5 a.m. If no announcements about Pasco schools are broadcast, schools are open and on time. If schools are closed for emergency reasons for one day, they will be open the following day unless information about a closure is announced. Please do not call school officials, media, or the weather bureau about school closures.
Equal Employment Opportunity & Nondiscrimination
The District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other designated youth groups. Questions regarding compliance, complaints, and/or reporting procedures should be directed to the school district’s Title IX/Civil Rights compliance officer Sarah Thornton, 1215 W. Lewis St., Pasco, WA 99301, 509-543-6700, or Section 504/ADA coordinator Kristi Docken, 1215 W. Lewis St., Pasco, WA 99301, 509-543-6700. Nondiscrimination policies are available at For information about employment openings in the Pasco School District, visit our Job Openings website.
Facilities Use
Facility requests for non-District activities can be directed to Facilities Use Manager Eli Garza at 509-543-6700, ext. 6724 or visit the Facility Rental webpage to complete the Facilities Use Form.
Those persons or groups using District facilities for non-District purposes are responsible for set-up, equipment requests, and event coordination. District-sponsored activities, including curricular and co-curricular functions, retain first priority in use of facilities. All forms, procedures, and fee schedules are located on the District website under the Community tab, then Community Forms. Find out more about the District’s policy regarding facilities usage by reading Policy 4330, located on the website under the District/District Policies tab.
Interpretation & Translation Services
The district communicates with all parents/guardians in a language they can understand. This includes translating documents and providing qualified adult interpreters. If you need assistance, please contact Language Access Coordinator, Alma Duran, at 509-546-2661.
Harassment Free Environment
The District is committed to providing a positive and safe learning and working environment which is free from discrimination, including sexual harassment (Policy 3208, students and Policy 5011, staff). Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when they interfere with the educational or working environment. Any student who believes they have been sexually harassed must report the behavior to any adult staff member or administrator. Complaints can also be directed to the district’s Title IX officer, Sarah Thornton, 1215 W. Lewis St., Pasco, WA 99301, 509-543-6700.
Washington State Law Against Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (Policy 3207): The District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation and bullying” means any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 9A.36.080 (3), (race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics).
Depending upon the frequency and severity of the conduct, intervention, counseling, correction, discipline and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to remediate the impact on the victim and the climate and change the behavior of the perpetrator. This includes appropriate intervention, restoration of a positive climate, and support for victims and others impacted by the violation. False reports or retaliation for harassment, intimidation, or bullying will also result in disciplinary action. If you believe your student is a victim of bullying, report this immediately to the principal or to the district HIB compliance officer Alice Amaya, 509-543-7828.
Health Instruction
The District recognizes that creating a sense of family begins in the home and that parents/guardians are the primary providers of instruction in the area of personal growth and development. To assist you with this aspect of your student’s comprehensive health education, the District provides the following instruction:
- State-Mandated Instruction: HIV/AIDS education is required annually by law for all students in grades 5-12. Specially trained teachers present the state-approved KNOW/HIV curriculum in a co-educational format. By law, students are automatically included in this instruction unless parents/guardians attend a preview and sign an exemption. Exempted students will be provided with an alternate activity.
- Parents/guardians are invited to preview the state-mandated HIV/AIDS instructional materials on Sept. 8. Contact the Professional Development and Curriculum Department (509-546-2659) with questions.
- Support Instruction: Growth and Development and Human Sexuality Instruction are optional support courses and students may be exempted upon request of parents/guardians. Alternate activities are provided for exempted students.
- Growth and Development Instruction is offered to students in grades 4 and 5. Boys and girls are taught in separate classrooms and instruction is provided by the school nurse. Contact the school nurse for specific dates of instruction. Parents/guardians will be invited to preview instructional materials prior to instruction.
- Human Sexuality Instruction is embedded in the Health and Fitness curriculum at the middle and high school levels. Boys and girls are taught in a co-educational format by health teachers. Instructional materials will be available for parent/guardian preview prior to instruction. The Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Health/Fitness Grade Level Expectations provide specific learning standards for students in grades K-12.
Highly Capable
The district provides a continuum of program services for all identified highly capable students in grades K-12 in accordance to Chapter 392-170 of the Washington Administrative Code. Any teacher, parent/guardian, student, or community member who has knowledge of the student’s abilities may refer a student for entry into Pasco’s Highly Capable Program. Referral forms are available on the Pasco School District website or in school offices. Referrals may be submitted at any time during the fall referral window. Kindergarten students are assessed after the window closes. Services for eligible kindergarten students begin in January. Parental permission will be obtained before conducting any assessments for eligibility. Student eligibility for the Highly Capable Program is determined through the professional judgment of a multidisciplinary committee through the use of multiple criteria:
- Academic achievement
- Teacher and parent recommendations
- Evidence of highly capable learning characteristics
- Cognitive test scores
Life-Threatening Conditions
If your child is diagnosed with a life-threatening condition (LTC), please contact the school nurse to set up a meeting to establish a Health Care Plan (HCP), which must be in place before the student can start school each year. If a student with a LTC participates in a sport or extracurricular activity, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the coach/instructor about the student’s health condition and to ensure that all necessary emergency medications, emergency plans and HCP orders are in place. Students with a LTC are required to have an emergency plan in place and medication available at all times.
Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a tool which parents/guardians of students enrolled in grades 6-12 can use to view their student’s grades, attendance, and grade history online. PowerSchool also allows parents/guardians to contact teachers and to receive automatic updates regarding students’ academic progress and attendance by email.
Students may also check their grades and attendance through PowerSchool. If you lose the personal identification code and password or have questions, please contact your student’s school.
Pesticide Notice
At least 48 hours before the application of a pesticide to school grounds or facilities, the District will notify interested parents/guardians and employees of the planned application in writing. The notification shall be made by posting the application information in the office area of the facility. If the application is not made within 48 hours of the notice, another application notification will be made and posted prior to the application. This pre-notification is not required in the case of an emergency application of pesticide, such as an application to control stinging insects, but full notification shall be made as soon as possible after the application. Pre-notification is not required if the facility grounds or building will not be occupied by students for two days following the application.
Following the application of a pesticide to school facilities, a sign shall be posted at the location of application. This notice shall state the product name, date, time, and specific location of the application as well as the pest for which the application was made and a contact name and number. The notice shall remain posted for 24 hours or longer if so required. For any questions or concerns, contact Dean Docken at 509-546-2691.
Please Sign In
Please help us ensure that the District is a safe and secure place to learn and work. Visitors are welcome at all Pasco schools and the Booth Building. For safety, everyone is required to first register at the office or reception area and receive a visitor’s badge to wear while in the building.
Identification badges are one of the ways to protect both staff and students from trespassers. Anyone not wearing a badge will be stopped and asked to leave if they refuse to comply with the policy. All District employees are required to wear photo identification badges that include their building assignment. The badges must be visible at all times during the workday.
Anyone wishing to attend a special school activity or to discuss a student’s school progress is asked to contact the school office in advance to arrange a visit. Remember, it only takes a minute to support school safety. Sign in, please!
Publications & Websites
Photographs and videos of students and examples of student work may appear on District websites and in publications. As a safety precaution, the District will not identify students by full name except when they are being recognized for an accomplishment or award or during a special event. Parents/guardians and students at least 18 years of age must give written notice to the school principal to deny permission for the student to be included in District websites and publications.
The District makes every reasonable effort to protect the privacy of students. Directory information shall not be released for commercial purposes. Opt-out forms are available at schools or on the District website under the Students & Families tab. Please call 509-546-2807 if you have questions.
Release of Information
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 allows directory information and certain information from student records to be released for educational purposes to schools and the community. The information may include student name and address, age and birthplace, participation in officially recognized school events and programs, weight and height of athletic team members, awards, or photos.
Opt-Out Form: Parents/guardians and students over 18 years of age have the right to request that student directory information or photographs not be released without prior written approval. Parents/guardians or students over 18 have until the first Monday in October each year to give the school principal written notice requesting certain information be withheld (Policy #3600).
Parents/guardians may request public records regarding school employee discipline under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.
Student Conduct
Each student in Pasco School District is required to follow the rules of conduct and submit to corrective action taken as a result of behavioral violations. The rules of conduct apply during the school day, during any school activity conducted on or off campus, and in our electronic relationships.
Other forms of discipline will be used to support students in meeting behavioral expectations before imposing classroom exclusion, short-term suspension, or in-school suspension, unless a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to others, or a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing threat to the educational process. Administrators will consider other forms of discipline before imposing a long-term suspension or expulsion.
Staff members may use other forms of discipline to address any violation of the rules of conduct, consistent with WAC 392-400-025(9). These involve best practices and strategies in addressing behavior, and are consistent with the Pasco School District Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), including the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Framework.
After attempting at least one other form of discipline, students may be subject to classroom exclusion for all or any portion of the balance of the school day and/or in-school suspension or short-term suspension for up to ten (10) school days. In specific circumstances, students may be immediately subject to:
- Long-term suspension for up to one academic term.
- For trimester schools, students may be suspended up to sixty (60) school days
- For semester schools, students may be suspended up to ninety (90) school days
- Expulsion
- Emergency expulsion
Long-term suspension and expulsion will not be imposed for students in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade, except in the case of firearms offenses.
District discipline Policy 3300 and 3300P, can be found at
Student Dress
Student Dress (Policy #3224): Preventing disruptions to the learning environment and assuring the safety and well-being of all students are primary concerns of the Board of Directors. Students’ choices in matters of dress should be made in consultation with their parent(s) or guardian(s), consistent with district policy.
Student dress shall be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, there is a reasonable expectation that a health or safety hazard shall be presented by the student’s dress or appearance, damage to school property shall result from the student’s dress, or a material and substantial disruption of the educational process will result from the student’s dress or appearance.
For the purpose of this policy, a ‘material and substantial disruption of the educational process’ may exist when a student’s conduct is inconsistent with any part of the educational mission of the school district. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the use, possession or display of obscene, sexual, drug or alcohol-related messages, or gang-related apparel or paraphernalia.
Building administrators are authorized to adopt specific student dress codes at each school. If you have questions about the District’s student dress policy, please contact your school’s principal.
Student Health & Safety
Emergencies: It is IMPERATIVE that parents/guardians make certain the school office has up-to-date information on where parents/guardians or a designated emergency contact may be reached throughout the day in case of emergencies. Please notify the school any time a home or work address or phone number changes for you or your emergency contact.
Medication: Parents/guardians are encouraged to administer medication at home whenever possible. If it is necessary to administer medication during school hours, a medication administration permission form must be completed by a licensed health care provider and signed by both provider and parent. Medications must be in original labeled containers and transported to school by an adult.
Illness: Any child with a rash, fever of 100º or higher, diarrhea, vomiting, cough, or heavy cold should be kept home from school until they are free of symptoms for 24 hours. If your child becomes ill with a communicable disease, please notify the school. These measures will help prevent the spread of infection.
Weapons & Firearms (Policy 3244 and Policy 4315): It is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation, in areas or facilities used exclusively for school or district activities, or at district- or school-sponsored events. Only activities specifically authorized under state law are allowed. Possession or use of weapons or firearms by students is not tolerated.
Weapons prohibited by this policy include firearms, “dangerous weapons,” and “deadly weapons” as defined under federal and state law. Weapons prohibited by this policy also include explosives, items capable of producing bodily harm, and objects, including toys or replicas, that can be reasonably used to inflict serious bodily injury when such an item is used with the intent to harm or intimidate another student, or when there is no other reasonable purpose for possessing the object except to use it as a weapon.
Possession or use of a firearm in violation of this policy shall result in a minimum one (1) year expulsion from the District. The superintendent or designee may modify the mandatory expulsion on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions to this policy may be made only as allowed by state law and authorized by the District. Schools shall post “Gun-Free Zone” signs around their facilities.
Any student who possesses any weapon, other than a firearm, in violation of this policy may be expelled or be subject to other school discipline as provided in board policy and state law. It is illegal for any person to possess a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, facilities, or transportation (RCW 9.41.280). The principal or designee shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parents/guardians of an alleged violation of this policy.
Drug-Free Schools: The Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act requires all school districts to communicate to their employees, students, and parents/guardians the necessity of maintaining a drug-free working and learning environment. This requirement places emphasis on conveying to students, employees, and parents the standards of conduct that are expected of students and employees regarding illicit drugs and alcohol. Compliance with the following standards of conduct is mandatory.
The unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances by students and/or employees on school District property, or as part of any school District activity, is wrong and harmful. It is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Violation of this policy or any other District policy prohibiting drug and/or alcohol activity will subject students to disciplinary action consistent with District discipline policies and local, state, and federal laws. Disciplinary action may include expulsion, completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, or referral for prosecution.
Violation of this policy or any other District policy prohibiting drug or alcohol activity by employees, consistent with any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, will subject employees to disciplinary action consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Disciplinary action may include termination of employment, completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, or referral for prosecution. The District will provide information about any available drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and re-entry programs that are available to students and/or staff.
Tobacco-Free and Nicotine-Free Schools and Grounds (Policy 4316): In order to ensure students have a healthy school environment that is free from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, the District and State of Washington have prohibited smoking or any other use of tobacco products or delivery devices on any District property. The ban includes all District buildings, grounds, and District-owned vehicles.
Student Immunizations
Immunizations are required for all students enrolling in public school. Immunization requirements vary depending on age and grade level. Contact your child’s health care provider, school nurse, or the Benton Franklin Health District (509-460-4200) if you have questions regarding your child’s immunization status. The State of Washington has provided an exemption option for parents/guardians who have religious or medical objections to immunizations. Contact your school nurse for details.
Additional immunizations may be recommended by the health care provider as your child grows. The State of Washington requires that parents be informed that the following two vaccines are available for students in grades 6–12 and may be recommended by your child’s health care provider:
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a very common virus that is spread through genital contact. Some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer or genital lesions. HPV vaccine is available and can be administered during adolescence. It is very effective in preventing four types of HPV that can cause cervical cancer and genital lesions in adulthood and is recommended for adolescents.
- Meningococcus is a bacterial infection that is spread through coughing, sneezing, kissing, sharing eating utensils or other items exposed to saliva. It can cause serious, potentially life-threatening illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infection. Severe meningococcal disease can lead to brain damage, loss of hearing or limbs, and death. Adolescents and young adults are more likely to get meningococcal disease, especially if they live in group settings such as college dorms. Meningococcal vaccine provides protection against most common meningococcal bacteria and is recommended for adolescents.
Student Records
have the right to inspect and review personal education records and ask for changes to those records they believe are inaccurate. They also have the right to consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information other than designated directory information which is allowed to be disclosed under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Procedures to review and/or amend records are available at all school offices.
Non-custodial parents with unrestricted rights may also receive copies of school reports. If you are a non-custodial parent of a child enrolled in Pasco schools and wish to receive copies of your student’s report cards and/or other school information, please contact your student’s school office. Any individual who falsifies any information to the District including but not limited to address, or residency, may be subject to District action or criminal or civil penalties. The District reserves the right to request and verify documentation as needed.
Teacher Qualification Notice
As a recipient of Federal Title I funds, Federal law permits parents/guardians of Pasco School District to request information on the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers. Parents/guardians have the right to request whether the state has licensed or endorsed the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches, whether the state has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or endorsed for the grade or subject because of special circumstances, the teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees; and whether any paraprofessionals provide services to child and, if so, the qualifications. If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact your child’s school.
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Model Student Handbook Language
Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.
What is HIB?
HIB is any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of a student that:
- Physically harms another student or damages their property;
- Has the effect of greatly interfering with another student’s education; or,
- Is so severe, persistent, or significant that it creates an intimidating or threatening education environment for other students.
HIB generally involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. HIB is not allowed, by law, in our schools.
How can I make a report or complaint about HIB?
Talk to any school staff member (consider starting with whoever you are most comfortable with!). You may use our district’s reporting form to share concerns about HIB by clicking here but reports about HIB can be made in writing or verbally. Your report can be made anonymously, if you are uncomfortable revealing your identity, or confidentially if you prefer it not be shared with other students involved with the report. No disciplinary action will be taken against another student based solely on an anonymous or confidential report.
If a staff member is notified of, observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses HIB, they must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the HIB behavior and to prevent it from happening again. Our district also has a HIB Compliance Officer, Dr. Alice Amaya (call 509-543-6700 or email, that supports prevention and response to HIB.
What happens after I make a report about HIB?
If you report HIB, school staff must attempt to resolve the concerns. If the concerns are resolved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent HIB that requires further investigation and action, then you should request an official HIB investigation.
Also, the school must take actions to ensure that those who report HIB don’t experience retaliation.
What is the investigation process?
When you report a complaint, the HIB Compliance Officer or staff member leading the investigation must notify the families of the students involved with the complaint and must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 5 school days, unless you agree on a different timeline. If your complaint involves circumstances that require a longer investigation, the district will notify you with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the HIB Compliance Officer or the staff member leading the investigation must provide you with the outcomes of the investigation within 2 school days. This response should include:
- A summary of the results of the investigation
- A determination of whether the HIB is substantiated
- Any corrective measures or remedies needed
- Clear information about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
For the student designated as the “targeted student” in a complaint:
If you do not agree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal the decision and include any additional information regarding the complaint to the superintendent, or the person assigned to lead the appeal, and then to the school board.
For the student designated as the “aggressor” in a complaint:
A student found to be an “aggressor” in a HIB complaint may not appeal the decision of a HIB investigation. They can, however, appeal corrective actions that result from the findings of the HIB investigation.
For more information about the HIB complaint process, including important timelines, please see the district’s HIB web page or the district’s HIB Policy 3207 and Procedure 3207P.
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status.
What is discriminatory harassment?
Discriminatory harassment can include teasing and name-calling; graphic and written statements; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Discriminatory harassment happens when the conduct is based on a student’s protected class and is serious enough to create a hostile environment. A hostile environment is created when conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it limits a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, the school’s services, activities, or opportunities.
Review the district’s Nondiscrimination Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct or communication that is sexual in nature and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. Sexual harassment can also occur when a student is led to believe they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication to gain something in return, such as a grade or a place on a sports team.
Examples of sexual harassment can include pressuring a person for sexual actions or favors; unwelcome touching of a sexual nature; graphic or written statements of a sexual nature; distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures; making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks; and physical violence, including rape and sexual assault.
Our schools do not discriminate based on sex and prohibit sex discrimination in all of our education programs and employment, as required by Title IX and state law.
To review the district’s Sexual Harassment Policy 3208 and Procedure 3208P.
What should my school do about discriminatory and sexual harassment?
When a school becomes aware of possible discriminatory or sexual harassment, it must investigate and stop the harassment. The school must address any effects the harassment had on the student at school, including eliminating the hostile environment, and make sure that the harassment does not happen again.
What can I do if I’m concerned about discrimination or harassment?
Talk to a Coordinator or submit a written complaint. You may contact the following school district staff members to report your concerns, ask questions, or learn more about how to resolve your concerns.
Concerns about discrimination:
Civil Rights Coordinator: Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent of Legal Services
1215 W. Lewis St, Pasco, WA 99301
Concerns about sex discrimination, including sexual harassment:
Title IX Coordinator: Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent of Legal Services
1215 W. Lewis St, Pasco, WA 99301
Concerns about disability discrimination:
Section 504 Coordinator: Kristi Docken, Director of Special Services
1215 W. Lewis St, Pasco, WA 99301
Concerns about discrimination based on gender identity:
Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent of Legal Services
1215 W. Lewis St, Pasco, WA 99301
To submit a written complaint, describe the conduct or incident that may be discriminatory and send it by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the school principal, district superintendent, or civil rights coordinator. Submit the complaint as soon as possible for a prompt investigation, and within one year of the conduct or incident.
What happens after I file a discrimination complaint?
The Civil Rights Coordinator will give you a copy of the school district’s discrimination complaint procedure. The Civil Rights Coordinator must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 30 calendar days unless you agree to a different timeline. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that require a longer investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator will notify you in writing with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the school district superintendent or the staff member leading the investigation will send you a written response. This response will include:
- A summary of the results of the investigation
- A determination of whether the school district failed to comply with civil rights laws
- Any corrective measures or remedies needed
- Notice about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to Board of Directors and then to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). More information about this process, including important timelines, is included in the district’s Nondiscrimination Procedure 3210P and Sexual Harassment Procedure 3208P.
I already submitted an HIB complaint – what will my school do?
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) can also be discrimination if it's related to a protected class. If you give your school a written report of HIB that involves discrimination or sexual harassment, your school will notify the Civil Rights Coordinator. The school district will investigate the complaint using both the Nondiscrimination Procedure 3210P and the HIB Procedure 3207P to fully resolve your complaint.
Who else can help with HIB or Discrimination Concerns?
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
All reports must start locally at the school or district level. However, OSPI can assist students, families, communities, and school staff with questions about state law, the HIB complaint process, and the discrimination and sexual harassment complaint processes.
OSPI School Safety Center (For questions about harassment, intimidation, and bullying)
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 360-725-6068
OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office (For questions about discrimination and sexual harassment)
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 360-725-6162
Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds works with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K-12 public schools. OEO provides informal conflict resolution tools, coaching, facilitation, and training about family, community engagement, and systems advocacy.
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 1-866-297-2597
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces federal nondiscrimination laws in public schools, including those that prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. OCR also has a discrimination complaint process.
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 800-421-3481
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
To review the district’s Gender-Inclusive Schools Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P, visit If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent of Legal Services, 1215 W. Lewis St., Pasco, WA 99301, 509-543-6700.
For concerns about discrimination or discriminatory harassment based on gender identity or gender expression, please see the information above under “Our School Stands Against Discrimination”