Policies and Procedures
The online policy manual contains up-to-date policies and procedures set forth by the School Board. The ​policies are principles adopted by the board to chart a course of action, while the procedures are the detailed directions that put policy into practice and guide the operation of the school district.
The policies are categorized into the following areas:
1000 Board of Directors: Policies related to Pasco School Board meetings, board member elections and governance.
2000 Instruction: Related to student learning programs, school organization, and instructional requirements.
3000 Students: Policies related to admission and attendance, rights and responsibilities, and student activities.
4000 Community Relations: Policies related to communications with the public, public participation in schools, public access to staff and students, and relations with other agencies.
5000 Personnel: Policies related to recruitment, hiring, employment, compensation, leaves, and benefits.
6000 Administration: Policies related to minimum funds and school property.
7000 Financial Management: Policies related to financial planning, revenues and purchasing.
8000 Non-Instructional Operations: Policies related to risk management, transportation and food service.
9000 District Facilities: Policies related to district facilities and capital projects.