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1115P - Student Representatives to the Board of Directors Procedure

Procedure 1115P


Student Representatives to the Board of Directors


  1. The purpose of the student representative to the Pasco School District Board of Directors is to serve as liaison between the governing body of the school district and high school students.
  2. Up to three high school student representatives will serve as a liaison to the Board of Directors. The student representatives will provide insight and support to the Board’s understanding of student issues and perspectives.
  3. The student representatives shall represent their high schools in accordance with the following qualifications, selection procedures, and responsibilities.

Term of Office

  1. The representatives shall be selected in the spring of the year for the following year.
  2. The term of office will be for one school year, beginning in July and concluding in June.
  3. In the event of a vacancy during the school year, a student will be selected from qualified applicants to serve the remaining term of the school year.

Qualification for Application

  1. The student must be in grade 11 or 12 during the term.
  2. The student must be in proper academic standing equivalent to participation in athletics or other student activities and maintain proper academic standing throughout his or her term.
  3. The student will be expected to maintain personal standards of behavior appropriate to participation in student activities.
  4. The student must be willing to convey student opinion to the Board of Directors and report Board deliberations and actions to the student body.

Application Process

  1. Students will submit a complete application as Student Representative to the Board of Directors.
  2. Students must obtain approval signatures from parents and his or her high school principal.
  3. Students must submit three references, at least two from teachers or administrators.
  4. Selected applicants will be interviewed by one or more members of the Board, the Superintendent, the High School Principals or designees, the departing student representatives and other selected participants.


  1. The student representatives serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  2. The Board may remove a student representative for failure to fulfill his or her duties, for failure to maintain academic standards, or for behaviors that the Board deems unacceptable as a member of the Board of Directors or embarrassing to the school district.

Responsibilities of the Student Representative
The student representatives will:

  1. Adhere to all the rules and regulations pertaining to Board members.
  2. Attend regular school board meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the Booth Educational Center.
  3. Attend special meetings or study sessions as scheduled.
  4. Attend executive sessions by invitation only.
  5. Review the Board of Directors board packet and reading materials prior to all regular Board meetings.
  6. Participate in discussion at regular open meetings of the Board when applicable. However, the student representative may not make any motions or vote.
  7. Provide reports to the Board as requested.
  8. Report Board deliberations and actions to their respective high schools as applicable.
  9. Provide a report.
  10. Help orient new student representatives.

Responsibilities of the Superintendent and the Board of Directors
The Superintendent and the Board of Directors will:

  1. Establish a high school advisor for the student representative.
  2. Meet with the student representative and advisor at the beginning of the school year to review expectations, responsibilities, and participation.
  3. Meet with the student representative quarterly to assess the experience and plan for future activities.
  4. Assist the student representative in preparing for reports to the Board.

Approved: October 21, 2003
Revised: March 28, 2011; June 10, 2014