3244 - Weapons and Firearms Policy
Weapons and Firearms
It is the policy of the Pasco School District that there be no tolerance for the possession or use of weapons or firearms by students. Students may not possess or use weapons on school property, on school-provided transportation, in areas or facilities being used exclusively by a school, or at school-sponsored events or activities.
Weapons prohibited by this policy include firearms, “dangerous weapons”, and “deadly weapons” as defined under federal and state law. Weapons prohibited by this policy also include explosives, items capable of producing bodily harm, and objects, including toys or replicas, that can be reasonably used to inflict serious bodily injury when such an item is used with the intent to harm or intimidate another student, or when there is no other reasonable purpose for possessing the object except to use it as a weapon.
Possession or use of a firearm in violation of this policy shall result in a minimum one (1) year expulsion from the district. The superintendent or designee may modify the mandatory expulsion on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions to this policy may be made only as allowed by state law and authorized by the district. Schools shall post “Gun-Free Zone” signs around their facilities.
Any student who possesses any weapon, other than a firearm, in violation of this policy may be expelled or be subject to other school discipline as provided in board policy and state law.
The principal or designee shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) of an alleged violation of this policy.
Cross References: Board Policy 4315 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons
on School Premises
3300-3331 Corrective Actions or Punishments
Legal References: RCW 9.41.010 Firearm defined
9.41.250 Dangerous weapon defined
9.41.280 Possessing dangerous weapons on school
9.94A.602 Deadly weapon defined
28A.600.420 Firearms on school premises, transportation
or facilities— penalty—exemptions
18 U.S.C. Sec. 921 Firearm defined
20 U.S.C. Sec. 8921 Gun Free Schools Act of 1994
Adoption Date: August 14, 2007