4320P - Contacts with Students by Non-School Organizations Procedure
Contacts with Students by Non-School Organizations
The Pasco School District discourages the use of students to distribute materials/publications other than those originating in the Pasco School District.
The Director of Public Affairs is directed to screen non-school materials submitted for distribution to students according to these procedures, and in a manner consistent with board policy. The content of such materials shall conform with board policy and district procedure.
1. School- and district-related materials
Schools may distribute school- and district-related materials to students at the discretion of the principal or administrator. Materials of district-wide interest should be forwarded to the Public Affairs Office.
2. Non-school and non-district related materials
Non-school and non-district materials must be approved in advance by the Office of Public Affairs prior to distribution in schools. In order to qualify for distribution, materials must comply with this procedure and district policy.
A. Materials which may be distributed:
In-school distribution of materials is strictly limited to written information from non-profit and government agencies announcing youth programs that have social, recreational, or educational value to students, and are consistent with district goals and objectives, as determined by the district.
The following materials are prohibited: Advertisements or promotions of products or events relating to or involving alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia; language or promotion of activities which demean any race, sex, ethnic or social group; promotion of any activity which is inconsistent with the mission of the district; materials which are libelous, obscene, profane, or otherwise unsuitable to be viewed by students in the school setting; materials which cause, or promote an activity which may reasonably cause social or educational disruption.
B. Format of materials made available to students:
Consistent with board policy, the intent of these procedures is to provide students a means to connect with valuable community programs. Students and parents then have the choice whether to participate or to contact the sponsoring agency for further information.
To receive approval from the Public Affairs Office, materials must be limited to one page (front and back printed, no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches) and may contain only the following information:
1. Name of sponsoring agency;
2. Brief description of the activity;
3. Limitations such as grade levels or ages, if any;
4. Date, time, and location of activity;
5. Logo of sponsoring agency, if any;
6. Contact information for sponsoring agency (telephone number must be provided);
7. Detachable permission slip, tickets, or other types of admission vouchers (district staff shall not be responsible for collecting);
8. A statement that the activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the Pasco School District and is for information only.
Because board policy strictly limits distribution of these materials to the conveyance of basic information regarding the program or activity, descriptions of any activity should be neutral and not promote a particular viewpoint. Materials must be free of objectionable advancement of a name, product, or special interest of the sponsoring group. Materials shall not, by statement or implication, indicate the activity is approved or endorsed by the Pasco School District.
Materials must be provided in English and Spanish.
Material which does not conform to these rules will not be approved. The district may request that an agency edit submitted material to conform with this procedure.
C. Distribution of non-school materials:
Advance approval of materials is required from the Public Affairs Office for all non-school materials distributed in elementary and secondary schools. Requests must be submitted on the “Request to Distribute Materials in the School” form, and must have a copy of the material to be distributed attached. Requests must be received in the Public Affairs Office no later than ten (10) school business days prior to the desired date of distribution (fifteen days is recommended).
Once approved by the Public Affairs Office, the sponsoring agency has the responsibility to deliver a sufficient number of copies to the schools. Principals have the discretion to determine how distribution will occur to ensure that building functions and programs are free of disruption. Materials provided in bulk will be displayed in a public area of the school building only. Materials in packets of 32 may be distributed to students in the classroom if the building has a regular system of distribution (for example, a regular envelope of materials sent home with students), if the principal determines no extra staff time or resources are provided for each applicable group of students. Principals reserve the right to prioritize distribution of non-school materials with the needs of the school.
School personnel shall not be responsible for securing student or parent response and shall not collect money, points, or other items related to the activity, program or material.
Materials shall not be distributed on district property by non-employees and non-students of the district
Any student or employee wishing to distribute materials relating to non-school activities or programs must comply with this policy and procedure.
Reviewed: July 26, 2005