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5430 - Volunteers Policy

Policy 5430


The district recognizes the valuable contribution made to the district’s programs through the volunteer assistance of parents, guardians, and other citizens. In working with volunteers, district staff shall clearly explain the volunteer's responsibility.

The district shall require any volunteer with unsupervised access to children to be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and to disclose whether he or she has been:

A. Convicted of any crime against persons;

B. Found in any dependency action under RCW 13.34.030(2)(b) to have sexually assaulted or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor;

C. Found by a court in a domestic relations proceeding under Title 26 RCW to have sexually abused or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor;

D. Found in any disciplinary board final decision to have sexually abused or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor.

All volunteers shall be advised that they may be subjected to a name and birthdate background check with the Washington State Patrol. Volunteers may provide service on a conditional basis pending the outcome of the background check.

If a volunteer has undergone a criminal record check in the last two years for another entity, the district may request a copy from the volunteer, or have the volunteer sign a release permitting the entity for whom the check was conducted to provide a copy to the district.

Volunteers must report any reported or observed incidents of student harassment, intimidation, or bullying to the supervising staff member or building administrator as soon as reasonably possible, but within no more than two school days of the report or observation.

The superintendent shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures for the utilization of volunteers.


Cross References:       Board Policy   5111                Disclosures and Background Checks
                                                                                                for Employees
Legal References:       RCW   43.43.830-840             Washington State Criminal Code Records
                                                28A.320.155               Criminal history record information
                                                                                                            — School volunteers                                               


Adoption Date:           September 24, 2013