7130 - Notice and Conduct of Budget Hearings Policy
Notice and Conduct of Budget Hearings
Upon completion of the proposed district budget for the ensuing school year, notices shall be published in a local paper of general circulation in two successive weeks announcing the date, time and place of the budget hearing as required by law. The notice shall also state that any person may appear and be heard for or against any part of such budget. The last notice shall be published no less than seven days prior to the hearing. Copies of the proposed budget shall be made available at the district office by July 10, unless the superintendent of public instruction delays the date because the state’s operating budget was not finally approved until after June 1.
The district shall submit one (1) copy of its budget to its educational service district for review and comment by July 10, unless the superintendent of public instruction delays the date because the state’s operating budget was not finally approved until after June 1.
Legal References: RCW 28A.505.040 Budget – When prepared – Contents
RCW 28A.505.190 Program budget for distribution to the
public – Contents – Scope
Adoption Date: July 23, 1996