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7140 - Budget- Adoption and Filing Policy

Policy 7140


Budget:  Adoption and Filing
The budget shall be presented in a public hearing no later than August 31.  Following this formal presentation, the president shall invite any testimony for or against the budget.  After sufficient opportunity to react, the budget shall be adopted by the board.  Such action shall be recorded in the official minutes of the board.  Copies of the budget as adopted shall be filed with the educational service district no later than September 3.  Copies of the budget will be filed with the state superintendent of public instruction.





Legal References:       RCW   28A.505.060               Budget – Hearing and adoption –                                                                                                Copies filed with ESD’s
                                    RCW   28A.505.080               Budget – Disposition of copies

                                    WAC   392-123-054                Time schedule for budget


Adoption Date:           July 23, 1996