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7324 - Purchasing- Relations with Vendors Policy

Policy 7324


Purchasing:  Relations with Vendors
All financial and business transactions of the district shall  conform with state and federal law and shall be consistent with sound and ethical business practices.  All purchasing decisions shall be made on the basis of objectivity and shall not be influenced by personal relationships.  No director, officer, administrator, agent, or employee of the district shall accept a gift or favor from vendors or prospective vendors or other firms or individuals intended to influence decisions related to district business. 

No director, officer, administrator, agent, or employee of the district shall participate in selection, or in award, or administration of a contract if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved.  Such a conflict would arise when the director, officer, administrator, agent, or employee, or any member of his or her immediate family (including domestic partners), or an organization which employs, or is planning to employ any of the aforementioned individuals, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award.

The board of directors shall adopt a policy prohibiting conflicts of interest applicable to district employees in transactions involving the school district.




Cross Reference:         Board Policy   1610                Conflicts of Interest
                                                            5223                Conflicts of Interest


Legal References:       RCW   42.23.030                    Interest in contract prohibited –
                                                                                                Excepted cases
                                    RCW   42.23.040                    Remote interests
                                                34 CFR 80.36                          Uniform Administrative Requirements for
                                                                                                Grants and Cooperative Agreements
                                                                                                 to State and Local Governments



Adoption Date:           November 10, 2009