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7421 - Monthly Financial Report Policy

Policy 7421


Monthly Financial Report
The business office shall prepare a monthly budget status report of the following funds:

A. General fund,

B. Capital projects fund,

C. Debt service fund,

D. Associated student body fund, and

E. Transportation vehicle fund.

A “statement of financial condition” shall be submitted to the board each month.  The superintendent shall reconcile ending net cash and investments, revenues and expenditures reported by the county treasurer with the district records for all funds.  As part of the budget status report, the superintendent shall provide each director with a brief written explanation of any significant deviation in revenue and/or expenditure projections that may affect the financial status of the district.


Legal References:       WAC   392-123-110                Monthly financial statements and reports
                                                                                                prepared by school district

                                    WAC   392-123-115                Monthly budget status report for general
                                                                                                fund operations
                                    WAC   392-123-120                Statement of financial condition –
                                                                                                Financial position of the school
                                    WAC   392-123-125                Personnel budget status report
                                    WAC   392-123-132                Reconciliation of monthly county
                                                                                                treasurers’ statement to district


Adoption Date:           July 23, 1996