7411P - Carry Over Funds-Unspent Building Allocations Procedure
Carry Over Funds/Unspent Building Allocations
Definition: Carry over funds as referred to here shall mean the unexpended balance consisting of:
1. Unpaid encumbrances and the resulting open purchase orders caused by non-delivery of product
2. Unexpended or unobligated funds allocated and remaining in the program at the end of the fiscal year
Rationale: Budget administrators should have budgetary flexibility to:
1. Allow use of funds encumbered during a prior period paid during the current year when the liability is incurred
2. Accumulate funds from certain accounts to meet a specific need at a future time while satisfying current needs
Policy: Allocations remaining in certain accounts because of unpaid encumbrances shall be added to the program administrator’s budget for the following year.
Amounts not obligated or expended may be carried over to the following year upon the recommendation of the budget administrator and approval of the superintendent or designee.
Adoption Date: July 23, 1996