8332 - Workers Compensation Policy
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation is an insurance program which covers job-related injuries and occupational diseases. School staff members are covered by a self-insured program which has been approved by the Washington state department of labor and industries. The staff member is protected in two ways:
1. Medical costs resulting from job injuries are paid.
2. Injured employees are paid a partial wage while off work because of a job injury or illness due to on-the-job causes.
When a staff member is injured on the job with a time loss, the district will grant full sick leave for the first three (3) days provided the staff member has accumulated sick leave to cover. For each day covered by workers’ compensation, the employee may use accumulated sick leave to make up the difference between the workers’ compensation payments and the employee’s regular salary. In such instances, total pay shall not exceed the staff member’s regular pay.
Cross Reference: Board Policy 5321 Sick leave
Legal References: RCW 28A.400.370 Mandatory insurance protection for
WAC 296-15 Workman’s compensation self-insurance
Adoption Date: May 28, 1996