Outcome 1
Mastery of Reading by 3rd Grade
100% of all 3rd graders will read on grade level in their language of instruction.
EXPAND partnerships with families, preschools, childcare providers, caregivers, and community organizations to ensure early literacy learning opportunities.
- IMPLEMENT instruction aligned to the state learning standards using materials and frameworks focused on foundational skills for grades K-2.
- IDENTIFY the needs of students early and accelerate learning through targeted intervention.
- INVEST in continuing education to ensure all teachers and staff are highly skilled.
About the Data
Recognizing all PSD students are unique, the accountability measures below group students in ways that align with how well PSD programs meet their specific needs such as moving to different schools or enrolling in our dual-language immersion program.
Reading is fundamental to learning and future life success. The historical measure for 3rd grade reading has been the STAR reading assessment. This is shown below as the STAR baseline passage rate. Expanding the measure of progress beyond one assessment on one day, the system below uses multiple measures. A student who exceeds 3rd grade level or demonstrates more than a year of reading growth over the previous year on any one of these measures is considered making “Successful Progress”.
* Data is not shown for any student group below ten to protect student privacy.
Assessment Descriptions:
- STAR is a nationally used reading exam given to K-12 students. Most PSD students take this exam three times each year to monitor progress and help teachers design instruction to meet individual student needs.
- STAR District Benchmark: The number shown is the percentage of students exceeding the PSD 3rd grade reading threshold.
- Adequate STAR Growth: The number shown is the percentage of students exceeding the average growth of the national STAR assessment.
- SBA 3rd Grade ELA: Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) is a reading test mandated by the state and federal governments for school accountability. It is administered every spring. The number shown is the percentage of students scoring 3-Proficient or 4-Advanced.
- WAIM is an alternative assessment to the SBA for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The specific success criteria for the assessment are determined by the student’s individual education plan (IEP).
- Successful Progress Rate: A student who exceeds 3rd grade level or demonstrates more than a year of reading growth over the previous year on any one of these measures is considered making “Successful Progress”.
- Student Count: Indicates the total number of students in the specific group. Students will only appear in one of the above groups.