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Worksite Learning Credit

Worksite Learning extends the classroom into the workplace, connecting acquired knowledge and skills to a student's future employment.

Benefits of Worksite Learning

Students who participate in worksite learning connected to their school programs may:

  • Show improved academic achievement.
  • Realize the relevance of their education and apply acquired knowledge in a meaningful way.
  • Have the opportunity to explore career options.
  • Increase self-confidence.
  • Acquire real workplace experience and employability skills.
  • Connect with an adult role model.
  • Be more likely to go on to some type of educational training after high school.

Worksite Learning Specifics:

  • Students can earn .5 credit for 180 hours of completed approved work time, up to 1.5 credits per year.
  • Students must be employed in a job related to their High School & Beyond Plan career goal.
  • Students must be taking or have taken a qualifying CTE class in the same area of employment.
  • Students have a signed and completed Worksite Learning Contract on file.

Do You Qualify for Worksite Learning?