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Appeal Process

Parents/legal guardians have the right to appeal the Multi-disciplinary Selection Committee's (MSC) decision based on WAC 392-170-047. Individuals appealing the MSC’s decision must submit a completed appeal form requesting review of selection/placement decision. Grounds for appeal include but are not limited to errors in scoring, testing bias against students who are members of a protected class, and special circumstances including unique, untestable characteristics evident in student performances or products.

The written appeal request must:

  • Include reasons for the appeal and any supporting documentation, to support reconsideration. 
  • Include supporting evidence and be submitted to the Director of Curriculum and Professional Development within 10 school days of receiving the MSC’s decision.

The Director of Curriculum and Professional Development will reconvene the MSC to review the request and consider the supporting evidence.

A decision will be made by the within 10 days after receipt of the written request for reconsideration. The parent/legal guardian will be notified of the decision in writing. The decision of the MSC is final. 

Please note that a student may be referred again the following school year during the referral window.