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Boundary Input Team

Forming a Boundary Input Technical Team

In October 2023, PSD accepted applications for a Boundary Input Technical Team for our new comprehensive high school. This team will work with our community, engineering partner, and our school board to help shape the new high school boundaries.

  • Meeting Dates:
    • November 7th
    • December 5th
    • January 16th
    • February 20th
    • March 19th
  • Meeting Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Location: Booth Building, 1215 W. Lewis St., Pasco (location could change)

As valued stakeholders in our school district, the Boundary Technical Team's main goal is to use the data gathered from six weeks of community feedback via ThoughtExchange. This data will be used to develop guiding principles, which will then be used as the foundation for creating initial boundary scenarios. These scenarios will be shared with the broader community for their input and feedback. The Technical Team will carefully consider this input and feedback to refine the boundary scenarios.