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Emergency COVID-19 Relief Funds

This webpage is designed to be a source of information for interested community members. The goal is to help our community gain an understanding of what ESSER funds are, what they can and cannot be used for, how much the district has available, how much it has spent, and what has been purchased. This site will be updated periodically to reflect new and updated information. The district will continue to add details for transparency and clarity.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has provided schools throughout the country with access to three rounds of Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds: ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III. ESSER III funding includes a requirement to spend at least 20% on learning recovery. The Pasco School District has been awarded the following amounts for the various rounds of funding.  

Round Amount Funds Available Expiration
ESSER I  $4,226,988  July 2020  September 30, 2022 
ESSER II  $16,339,019  March 2021  September 30, 2023 
ESSER III (80%)  $29,380,754  July 2021  September 30, 2024 
ESSER III (20%)  $7,345,188  July 2021  September 30, 2024 
Total  $57,291,949