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Student Success Begins with Attendance

Help your student succeed in school: Build the habit of good attendance early. Good attendance will help students do well in high school, college, and at work. 

Students can suffer academically if they miss 10% of the school year, or about 18 days. That's just one day every two weeks. Research shows that missing two or three days a month can result in:

  • 3rd-grade students falling behind in reading
  • 6th-grade students failing courses
  • teens dropping out of high school 

Sporadic absences also matter. Just one or two days a month can add up before you know it!

If you are facing challenges related to health care, unstable housing, transportation or lack of food, your school can help. We can connect you to services for the whole family.

Attending school regularly helps students feel better about school-and themselves.

Too Sick for School?

Some absences are unavoidable. Students get sick and need to stay home occasionally. The important thing is to get students to school as often as possible and on time. If your student must be absent, communicate with your school. 

Check Your Attendance

Check your student’s attendance by visiting PowerSchool.  

Attendance FAQs

Truancy FAQs

Contact Us

Please find the contact information for your school's attendance office under 'About Us' on your school's page.