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Counseling and Mental Health

Pasco School District recognizes the important role schools play in promoting the emotional wellness of children.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Pasco School District school counselors provide universal learning supports for all students and are often positioned to be the first school-employed professionals to recognize and address students’ social and emotional, career, and academic needs. School counselors function as advocates, collaborators, and leaders and use the Pasco School District Comprehensive School Counseling Framework to implement school counseling programs in alignment with the Pasco School District's mission, vision, Outrageous Outcomes, and individual school improvement plans. 

PSD Comprehensive School Counseling Program Framework

Hazel Health Tele-Therapy

Hazel Health Services Ending October 31st: Pasco School District will discontinue Hazel Health services on October 31, 2024, due to the conclusion of ESSER funding that supported this service. The last day for referrals is October 31, and students referred during October can complete their therapy sessions beyond this date. Our schools will continue to offer mental health support for students through our comprehensive school counseling program and specialized support staff. Counselors and specialized support staff can also help connect families with local mental health providers, many of whom now have reduced wait times. For more information or support, please contact your school counselor.

Pasco School District offers free mental health services for all students through a partnership with Hazel Health. By enrolling in Hazel Health, students can attend up to six virtual sessions with a licensed mental health clinician. Students can attend sessions from school during the school day or from home either before or after school. Students can also access these supports from home during breaks from school, such as winter break or spring break, as well as over the summer. Pasco School District has made these services available, so all students have access timely access to important mental health services.

Hazel Health Tele-Therapy services include the following:

  • Short-term therapy visits: Therapy sessions can help students cope with everyday issues such as anxiety, bullying, withdrawal, grief, peer and family relationships, depression, not enjoying things they used to enjoy, or simply not feeling like themselves.
  • Care coordination: Family Resource Managers from Hazel work closely with families to coordinate their child’s care. If your child needs additional services outside of what Hazel can offer, Hazel will help families connect with great local providers.
Community Mental Health Providers

There are also numerous community mental health providers who can provide support for students and families. Please contact your school counselor for more information. Find your school counselor’s contact information below or on your school’s website.

Crisis Intervention Team

Pasco School District has a crisis intervention team made up of school counselors, nurses, and social workers. This team is available to provide assistance to schools during an event-based crisis. 

The crisis intervention team provides support for students using a debriefing model from the Crisis Management Institute. They provide staff consultation and support when needed. The crisis team works closely with the school team to ensure the supports provided meet the needs of those within the the school community. 


Alice Amaya
Executive Director of Student Supports

Sara Mendoza
Secretary to the Executive Director of Student Supports